CRU creates videos that tell stories and share insights that can further inspire the community living movement and the broader disability sector at large. These videos assist people to share their stories, ideas and wisdom, whether that be as part of a presentation they are doing, or for the broader public.
CRU creates most of its films in house and where appropriate these videos are showcased in our YouTube channel. We also work with other organisations to create films that showcase the valued perspectives of our community and many of these can be seen in the collections below.
We have also made a selection of content available for rent through our Vimeo Channel. These are also listed in our Video on Demand page.
In 2013 we commissioned the DVD, “Together in Partnership” which can now be found on our YouTube channel.
Inclusive Education – NEW Translated Videos
CRU has recently released a series of three translated videos about Inclusive Education, these videos are presented in Mandarin, Arabic and Vietnamese.
Videos On Demand: Responding Well to Challenging Behaviours
Based on the two-day Responding Well to Challenging Behaviours workshop facilitated by Ann Greer, we present an On Demand Webinar Series which aims to encourage participants to understand more about the situations in which people with 'challenging behaviour' find themselves and explore how they can best respond to support the person. Ann Greer, a parent from regional Queensland, is a behavioural support consultant who is passionate about ensuring people with disabilities get the best opportunities to live the good life. Her son is her greatest teacher.
These on-demand videos provide practical insights & tools, so that people can be supported with compassion, collaboration & respect. They are a useful resource for families, friends & paid supporters & can also be used for training and development. This series can be purchased as a 7 day rental or as a 30 day rental.
Videos On Demand: Supporting people with sensory-movement differences and diversity
He’s confident, he’s happy and he’s part of the class. Building relationships for successful inclusion.
We have produced this 25 minute video because when a student’s behaviour is catching everyone’s attention, school inclusion can become very fragile. It is distressing for everyone, and unhelpful patterns can get established, including the student becoming isolated, stigmatized, punished and excluded. We are sharing this story because we believe that every child can thrive in an inclusive classroom with the right supports.
CRU and CYDA Disability Royal Commission workshop – towards transformation in inclusive education
The Power of a Positive Introduction
CRU created this video as part of our Families For Inclusive Education (FFIE) project. Here CRU consultant, Lindie Brengman, talks about how she addressed deficit based assumptions and language.
Inclusion DesignLab: Introducing Circles of Support…
CRU created two videos for the National Resource Centre (NRC) for Circles of Support and Microboards (COSAM). The first was a montage of Circle Members reflecting on what it means for them to be invited, included and involved involved in a circle of support.
NACBO: Workforce Innovation through Self-Managed Supports
In collaboration with the National Alliance of Capacity Building Organisations (NACBO), of which CRU is a founding member, CRU developed two films that explored self-managed arrangements from the perspective of support workers.
AMPARO Advocacy: Esperance’s Story
As part of the Queensland Government's NDIS Participant Readiness Project, Amparo Advocacy contracted CRU to create a film aimed at the Swahili speaking Congolese Community in Queensland.
Michael Kendrick on…
CRU invited Michael Kendrick to our office to interview and film him discussing the topics of leadership and change. Below is a selection of clips made from these sessions with more to follow.
New Opportunities: Wisdom from the NDIS trial sites
These videos are from footage taken our our "New Opportunities for a Good Life: Experiences from NDIS Trial Sites" events. These one day forums, held in Toowoomba, Brisbane, Rockhampton and Hervey Bay showcased stories by and about people with disabilities and their families who have been involved in various NDIS trial sites from across Australia.
Bringing the Good Life to Life videos
These videos were created for our resource website Bringing the Good Life to Life. The footage came from CRU events held in Brisbane and Rockhampton and share stories and topics including:
Good Life Films
These video have been made for our website Bringing the Good Life to Life, designed to help people prepare for the NDIS National Disability Insurance Scheme.
Aoife O’Toole: Agency Transformation
The ‘Agency Transformation’ events held throughout October were designed to assist managers and other key decision makers to think through the core requirements for authentic service transformation so that services would be individually tailored and designed to assist people with a disability to live better lives.
Together in Partnership
Together in Partnership: Stories of individual and family governed organisations in Queensland was a DVD created by the Community Resource Unit in 2013. It features three Queensland organisations, Lifestyle Options Incorporated, Homes West Association and Kalpana.
Janet Klees: Building Lasting Relationships
Janet Klees has been coordinator with the family-governed Deohaeko Support Network for the past 15 years and has been deeply affected by the lives of the people that she has come to know.