Leadership Development
In our sector not many people aspire to be leaders. Leadership tends to occur when people step forward and take action when they see something that needs to change and they have a vision of something better. We know there are many people with disability, family members and workers in various roles and types of organisations that are demonstrating leadership across Queensland.
CRU recognises the need to support, develop, resource and connect leaders in the sector. We work very deliberately to fortify people involved in a movement for change by highlighting the many forms that leadership can take and what can be done to support, inspire and develop it further.
While there are many passionate and effective leaders in formal roles, there are also many other pathways to leadership.
For many years, people with disabilities and their families and supporters have shown leadership in achieving a good and meaningful life for a person they care about, and also through advocating for social change and influencing systems change, creating new services, and influencing community attitudes.
Leadership is not a magnetic personality, that can just as well be a glib tongue.
It is not “making friends and influencing people”, that is flattery.
Leadership is lifting a person’s vision to higher sights, the raising of a person's performance to a higher standard, the building of a personality beyond its normal limitations.
Peter Drucker
With ‘Leadership Development’ being one of CRU’s strategic goals, we aim to resource and sustain the movement for change through the following:
- Networking opportunities to build a movement of likeminded people to help make change efforts even more powerful.
- Structured leadership development activities to help strengthen existing and emerging for the long haul of leadership and change.
- Support people in their change efforts, both on a personal level and on broader issues that face individuals and the broader disability community.
- Demonstrate leadership in the work we choose to invest in as an agency, and also by intentionally growing and developing leaders to lead the change that is needed.
Related Resources – Leadership
- Leadership and Change (PDF)
Lesley Chenoweth - The Nature of Practical Leadership (PDF)
Dr Michael Kendrick - Leadership for Social Inclusion (PDF)
Jane Sherwin - The Natural Authority of Families (PDF)
Dr Michael Kendrick
Fee for Service
While sometimes we may be working on a funded project on this topic, CRU also offers training and consultation packages on a fee for service basis.
Our skilled disability consultants can work alongside you to assist you and your supporters to become clear, confident and in control as you strive for the good things in life.
For more information visit the Fee For Service section of our website.