We all need assistance with things in life. For people with disability, the range and scope of assistance required can bring a lot of support people, providers and bureaucracy into your life. Even with the best intentions, funded supports can get in the way of an ordinary life, opportunities for new experiences and relationships.

CRU believes that good support is where professional services and funded support blend with informal, freely given support in a way that enhances the quality of life of the person at the centre. It is our experience that this looks different for each and every person and that it also doesn’t happen by accident. Good support is often the result of intentional thought by the person with disability and the people who love and care about them. This thinking and planning may include discussing what is right for the person, how to get started, and what actions are needed to put some things in place.

Robert’s plan for his life is big and expanding; Through intentional planning and the right balance of support Robert’s future is bright and it belongs to him.
Lynn Walmsley, CRUcial Times 50

CRU can help you think about what good support means for you as an individual – what supports are actually needed, how to use your funding to achieve your goals and how to put the right things in place so the support is sustainable and cohesive. We will support you to feel confident, connected and in control as we help you consider and explore the following concepts:

  • Define the purpose of support in the pursuit of a good life
  • Personalising support: Getting the Right Support at the Right Time
  • Self-directing: Where the person and their close supporters make the choices that determine the direction of the person’s life
  • Self-managing: What is involved and what does it take to manage your funding?
  • Blending supports:
    • Explore the scope and role of funded and mainstream support
    • Revisit the value and importance of informal support from family and friends
    • Connecting with peers to share your experiences and draw on the ideas and wisdom of others on a similar journey
  • Right relationship: Rethinking choice and control and supporting people to make decisions
  • Exploring examples of responsive and respectful support.

Fee for Service

While sometimes we may be working on a funded project on this topic, CRU also offers training and consultation packages on a fee for service basis.

Our skilled disability consultants work alongside you to assist you and your supporters to become clear, confident and in control as you strive for the good things in life.

For more information visit the Fee For Service section of our website.