The Community Resource Unit Ltd.

Community Resource Unit (CRU) exists to create and promote positive change so that people living with disability can belong to and actively contribute to social and economic life. Together with people living with disability, their families, allies in the human services sector and the community we build a movement for change.

CRU engages with people on questions of values and vision; we provide inspiration and analysis and assist people to shape and deliver helpful, relevant and responsive human services and support arrangements. With over thirty years’ experience, CRU provides a place for people to collaborate, challenge and inspire each other and we welcome all people who share our aims to link with us either formally or informally.

Based in Brisbane and with Queensland-wide responsibilities, CRU draws on our national and international networks.  We also regularly engage in partnerships with organisations across our constituency groups. The direction and management of Community Resource Unit Ltd. is vested in the Board of Directors that is elected annually. The implementation of CRU programs is the responsibility of the CEO and the staff team.

Our Vision:

Full and meaningful lives for people with disability.

Our Mission:

To inspire, challenge and equip people to embrace ideas, to take action and to build a movement for change.

Our Values:


We believe people living with disability should be supported as active and valued contributors to family, community and economic life, which benefits the entire community.


We celebrate that people have equal worth and each person has different abilities, preferences and aspirations.


We believe we are not isolated individuals and we are better together.


We hold to what is best and support others to do so, even when that is not popular.


We encourage people to dream of what could be, not be limited by what is.


We know that solutions to issues for people living with disability are not simple and require careful thought, research and action.


We nurture and encourage practices which enable people living with disability to discern genuine, valued options and support them to make informed decisions.

CRU believes:

  • That people with disabilities should belong to and participate in community life

This means their interests are best served when they are supported to grow up in a family, go to school at their local neighbourhood school, participate in community activities with their peers, have a home of their own, maintain strong relationships with friends, parents and siblings, work and participate in community life and have their rights as citizens protected.

  • That people with disabilities are highly vulnerable to being excluded from ordinary community life.

This happens through segregated experiences, which deprive them of opportunities to have the rich range of relationships and experiences that most people take for granted. Achieving these positive life conditions for people with disabilities will always constitute a call for reform and CRU has had considerable involvement in such reform activities over many years.

  • We can and should do better. We need focussed and informed effort from across our community to challenge this and create a sustainable movement for positive change.

It is essential that people with disabilities, their families, friends and allies, service workers, board members and government officials be informed about the risks and possibilities, and orient their energies and resources to safeguard them against rejection and exclusion and make it possible for people with disabilities to truly participate in community life.  As much as possible, CRU believes that people with disabilities should be allowed to make decisions for themselves or to be supported by their family and close friends to make decisions about their lives when they need this support.

  • Resourcing and developing leadership is an essential aspect of supporting and developing a movement for change.

Since the early 1990s, CRU has worked very deliberately to recognise, support, develop, mentor and connect leaders in the sector and leadership development continues to be one of our strategic goals. As an agency we aim to both demonstrate leadership in what we do and to intentionally grow and develop leaders to lead the change that is needed.

Creating change

For over thirty years’ CRU has worked across Queensland to create meaningful, positive and sustained change that favours people with disabilities. We endeavour to resource, encourage and connect people to create change for themselves. 

CRU works to provide information on what is possible, build confidence to act and foster connection with others who are seeking good lives for people with disability. CRU works to support innovation and leadership whilst developing safeguards that protect and enhance possibilities for people with disability. 

CRU has adopted a theory of change which emphasizes a change of heart and of mindsets, as well as changes to the structures that limit and oppress people with disabilities. We wish to be an effective agent of change however CRU does not identify as an advocacy organizations and is not involved in direct service provision. 

As a small organization with an ambitious vision, we see our role to be a catalyst that creates the preconditions for authentic change to happen.  

Useful information


Our 'Policies' document (PDF) includes information on our Privacy Policy, Cancellation Policy, Complaints Policy and Commitment to Quality Policy.

Annual Reports

Read our most recent annual report for more information about our organisation and the work we do. 

2022–2023: Annual Report 2023

2021–2022:  Annual Report 2022

2020–2021: Annual Report 2021

2019–2020: Annual Report 2020

CRU information

Our 'organisation details' document includes information on Certifications, Insurance, Tax Status and Funding Sources.