Getting a part time job in high school is a common rite of passage that enriches the lives of many young people. These fact sheets have been developed to help young people with disability get their first job.
As well as getting spending money having a job opens up opportunities for friendship, skill development and life experience. The value of this experience is equally important for young people with disability but it can require some extra thinking and planning, as outlined in the fact sheets below.
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Everyone can have a real job
This fact sheet introduces the ideas behind why it is important for young people with disability to have a real job. It highlights why employment matters and offers some idea on where to start to find your first job.

Raising expectations
By raising the expectations we have of ourselves or our family member we can begin to see that employment and a meaningful career is achievable. This fact sheet offers some practical ideas and strategies to help you and your family to think of typical and valued possibilities in your community.

Tips for family and friends
It takes determination and persistence to find your first job, and your family and friends can be very helpful. This fact sheets looks at the many ways in which family and friends can come together to support you to help build your experience and career.

Getting prepared for your first job
This fact sheet is all about helping to prepare you to find that first job. With some thoughtful preparation and determination there are lots of opportunities waiting to be explored.

How to get your first job
In this hands-on fact sheet, you can read about some strategies that have worked for people in finding work. This factsheet has been designed for you to grab a pen and paper and start writing down some of the strengths and skills you have to offer.

Support for your first job
Support for your first job can come in many ways. This fact sheet outlines some of the ways in which you can ask for support to find your first job but also how it might sustain you and help you to develop a career mindset.

Information for employers
This fact sheet outlines the many recognised benefits to employing a person with disability, as well as information for employers looking to recruit a person with disability. This includes information on support for employers and the notion of a job mentor. This fact sheet could be taken with you to an interview or employment opportunity to show a prospective employer.

Further information and resources
This fact sheet offers some more resources on customised employment, ideas to get you started good written and online stories, government funding information and some links about managing money.
This project has been funded by Community Services Industry Alliance (CSIA) and National Disability Services (NDS) through the Inclusion Ready project funded by the Queensland Government.