2020 Online workshops

From July to December 2020 we recorded seven online workshops on topics identified as being of particular interest to families of children with disability. These workshops gave parents the opportunity to more deeply explore the topics we touch on in our face-to-face workshops.

Beginning with planning at specific transition points; to building social and curricular inclusion; to further understanding the legislation around inclusive education; these recordings aim to build parents’ knowledge and confidence to advocate for their children’s full inclusion in their local, regular school.

The seven online workshops were:

  1. Heading to High School
  2. Senior Studies – Building a Bright Future
  3. Building Belonging in the School Community
  4. I Choose Inclusion - The Parent Advocacy Toolkit
  5. Using the Human Rights Act to Protect the Rights of Students with Disability in Queensland, with QAI
  6. The HOW, WHAT and WHY of Authentic Inclusive Classroom Learning
  7. Taking Stock and Aiming High - Preparing for the 2021 School Year

These videos can be watched below, or on a dedicated playlist created on our YouTube channel.

Workshop 1:  Heading to High School

This online workshop provides guidance on selecting a high school, how best to approach prospective schools, and how to communicate an intention for inclusion.

Learn about indicators of an inclusive school culture, how to renew and communicate your vision, and tips for fostering positive relationships with a new school.

Workshop 2: Senior Studies – Building a Bright Future

This online workshop highlights the importance of aiming high when preparing for SET planning and Senior Schooling.

Learn about maintaining an ambitious vision centred on a typical senior school experience, helping your child identify their strengths and interests as a basis for planning a great life after school and key tips on Senior school decisions e.g. QCE vs QCIA, ATAR and other pathways.

Workshop 3: Building Belonging in the School Community

This online workshop centres on personal stories and tips on how students can be seen as valued and contributing members of their school community.

Learn about how valued roles at school can assist students with disability to be more fully included. Learn how to tune into your child’s strengths and interests and how to draw on these to assist with successfully seizing opportunities for increased school participation.

Workshop 4: I Choose Inclusion - The Parent Advocacy Toolkit

This online workshop draws on a newly revised parent toolkit – I Choose Inclusion 2020 – to discuss the key information and advocacy tools which families need to successfully pursue inclusive education.

Learn about the legitimacy of family advocacy, core advocacy principles, key policies, school processes and legislation (including the Qld Human Rights Act). Learn how to keep your vision strong despite the barriers.

Workshop 5: Using the Human Rights Act to Protect the Rights of Students with Disability in Queensland, with QAI

This online workshop features guest speakers Nikki Parker and Emma Phillips from QAI (Qld Advocacy Incorporated).

Learn about the human rights protections in Queensland, including the right to education. Learn about avenues of complaint for human rights breaches and discrimination, including the costs and risks associated with these. Learn about other available avenues for resolution of issues with a school and find out about options for achieving systemic change.

Workshop 6: The HOW, WHAT and WHY of Authentic Inclusive Classroom Learning

This online workshop explores how curriculum inclusion is possible and vital for all.

Learn how students with disability can be authentically included in the same learning as their peers.   Learn what inclusive classroom learning does and does not look like and how curriculum inclusion benefits all.

Workshop 7: Taking Stock and Aiming High - Preparing for the 2021 School Year

This online workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on the school year and to create positive plans for the next.

Reflect on positives and negatives of the past school year and identify successful approaches to build upon next year. Prioritise what you would like to see improve for your child in the new school year. Learn how to effectively communicate the information most critical for successful inclusion to next year’s teacher/s.