This two-day event will gather and connect people with disabilities, family members, friends, workers, and allies to focus on building our capacity for lifelong inclusion.
We live in challenging times as we navigate the path to achieving good lives for people with disabilities. It’s important that we come together to share real stories of what can be achieved for everybody – from young children to mature adults.
We promise you inspiration, encouragement and stories illustrating hopeful possibilities. This will also be a chance to reflect on what gets in the way of a good life and what we need to do to claim and create a positive future. There will be time to connect with friends and opportunities to meet new allies for change.
Find out more about Our Presenters, Workshop Topics and Ticketing
Download Flyer for Building Capacity for Lifelong Inclusion
Download FAQs Building Capacity for Lifelong Inclusion Event
Download How Use Your NDIS at CRU
This gathering features longer workshops designed to give participants the opportunity to explore topics of interest in a smaller group. Some but not all of the workshops will be repeated. For both Friday and Saturday of the event, participants will be asked to choose a workshop stream to participate in. You will be asked to nominate your preferred topic at registration checkout.
Both days of the event will be structured to allow maximum immersion in the topics that interest you, and time for deeper connection with those around you:
- Morning welcome plenary
- Morning tea break
- Workshop stream
- Lunch break
- Workshop stream continued
- Afternoon plenary
We are also planning a Community Catch-Up social event on Friday night, and we hope you can join us.
Learning Objectives:When undertaken as training for people with disability, family members, carers or supporters, this event will deepen understanding and build capacity and skills to:
- Achieve long term outcomes of social, community and economic inclusion and participation on an equitable basis;
- Anticipate, plan for and manage life stages and transitions;
- Maximise independence, choice and control and community participation;
- Recognise, challenge and address impediments to the rights of individuals with disability to full inclusion and participation in the community, through advocacy and practical action.
Our Presenters, Plenary and Workshop Overview:
This unique CRU event will bring together great keynote speakers and another 40 presenters across 2 days. Speakers include people with disability, friends and family members, allies, advocates, storytellers and policy makers each contributing a wealth of knowledge and unique life experience. Some are experienced and for others this is their first chance to share their story. The dynamic mix of speakers and facilitators spread across multiple sessions, gives you a unique opportunity to choose learning areas that are important to you, allowing you to deepen your understanding with a smaller group of people, and build capacity around what real lifelong inclusion means and how to achieve this.
Friday 14th March: Plenary Speakers
Download Friday's Plenary Speaker Overview (PDF)
Download Friday's Plenary Speaker Overview (Word version)
Note: Scroll down for Workshop Summary and Guide!

Dan & Samuel Habib
Presenting: Our Family Journey (joining us online from New Hampshire USA)
Dan Habib created the Emmy® Award winning New York Times Op-Doc, My DisabilityRoadmap and the new feature film, The Ride Ahead with his son Samuel.
Dan is also the creator of award-winning documentary film, Including Samuel and many other short films on disability related topics. Dan is the Inclusive Communities Project Director at the Westchester Institute for HumanDevelopment. He regularly screens and discusses his films both in the U.S. and internationally, at Universities and conferences, film festivals, and independent theatres. His films have been broadcast nationally on public television stations and translated into 17 languages for use as teaching tools worldwide. From 2014-2017 Dan served on the President's Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities under Barack Obama.

Samuel Habib is a college student and the Emmy® Award-winning co-director of My Disability Roadmap and, The Ride Ahead.
Samuel was a story consultant on the nationally broadcast film Mr. Connolly Has ALS and has been profiled in Forbes Magazine. He also worked as a newspaper columnist, an interviewer of Presidential candidates, and has presented nationally on disability rights, inclusive education, and his transition to adulthood. Samuel uses a communication device (as well as his voice and gestures) to express himself. In addition to exploring his current and future academic and career options, Samuel also navigates significant, chronic health challenges. He works part-time as a multimedia production assistant and presenter at the Westchester Institute for Human Development.

Thomas Mayo
Presenting - Collective Acts of Commitment: Maintaining Hope in Challenging Times
Thomas Mayo is an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander man who lives on Larrakia land in Darwin. He is the Assistant National Secretary of the Maritime Union of Australia, an award-winning author, essayist, orator and a signatory to the Uluru Statement from the Heart. His advocacy and leadership in the push for the rights and recognition of Indigenous peoples spans over twenty years. His 2024 book Always Was Always Will Be is about how the campaign for peace and justice for Indigenous people continues after the referendum was lost in 2023.

Assoc. Professor Lorna Hallahan
Presenting: For sale in a market: what protects my dignity?
Associate Professor Lorna Hallahan has been a leader in social work education for almost 2 decades and is South Australian Discipline Lead at ACAP University College.
Originally from Queensland, Lorna was founding community worker at QAI (Queensland Advocacy for Inclusion), and as a disabled woman and worker has been involved in the disability movement from the early 1980s, focusing on advocacy development and evaluation, and policy development and analysis.
Lorna is currently a member of the Independent Advisory Council for the NDIS. She was a Chief Investigator on the Evaluation of the Trial of the NDIS having been a member of the National NDIS Advisory Group. Lorna was Senior Research Advisor to the Disability Royal Commission where she produced a socio-cultural history of disability in Australia.
Friday Workshop Summary:
- Inclusive Education
Facilitated by Bob Jackson & co-presenter Lyla Brown - Employment
Facilitated by Helen Neale, Jenny Crosbie, Rohan & Jenni Pidgeon
and Tracey Healy - Supported Decision Making
Facilitated by Michelle Browning, John Chesterman
and Taylor & Hazel Lloyd - Sensory & Movement Differences
Facilitated by Ann Greer, Joyce-Lyn Smith and Rod Mills - Respectful Support
Facilitated by Leanne Burke, Ricky Esterquest, Matt Stone
and Casey & Roschell van Den Brind and Lisa Berry
- Inclusive Education
Saturday 15th March: Plenary Speakers
Download Saturday's Plenary Speaker Overview (PDF)
Download Saturday's Plenary Speaker Overview (Word version)
Note: Scroll down for Workshop Summary & Guide!

Dan Read
Presenting: Take the Notes but Make Your Own Music
Dan Read is a songwriter/musician and business owner who writes, collaborates and performs with other talented musicians. He has completed a Diploma in Music and a Certificate III in Business Studies. As a seasoned traveller and natural storyteller, he enjoys meeting interesting characters from whom he draws inspiration for new stories and songs. Dan’s own story is always the same – find your passion, follow your dreams, work hard to realise those dreams and take control of the direction of your life.
Dan continues to look with hope (and a wicked sense of humour) for possibilities in the future and that searching is backed up by a remarkable determination, energy for life and a refusal to see obstacles as a barrier to his following his passion.
Professor Bruce Bonyhady
Presenting: Reflecting on Change – twenty years investment in the NDIS
Professor Bruce Bonyhady is the Director at the Melbourne Disability Institute at The University of Melbourne. He is a disability reformer, economist and one of the key architects of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS). He was Co-Chair of the NDIS Review in 2022-23 and was the inaugural Chair of the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) from 2013-16.
Professor Bonyhady is the father of three adult sons, two of whom have disabilities and in the 2010 Queen's Birthday Honours, he was appointed as a Member of the Order of Australia for services to people with disabilities, their families and carers, and to the community as a contributor to a range of charitable organisations.
Saturday Workshop Summary:
- Inclusive Education
Facilitated by Bob Jackson & co-presenter Dan Read - Employment
Facilitated by Katie Hodges & Fiona McIntosh
- Supported Decision Making
Facilitated by Dr Michelle Browning & John Chesterman
and Dale & Anita Speed - Sensory & Movement Differences
Facilitated by Ann Greer, Joyce-Lyn Smith and Rod Mills - Friendships & Connections
Facilitated by Lisa Bridle with Jenny Smith and joined by
June Arthy's friends including Bronwyn Moloney, Marie Vitelli and Robyn Adam - Home
Facilitated by Deb Rouget and Bec Feldman
- Inclusive Education
When registering to attend, there are several options available:
- 2 Day Ticket (both days)
- 1 Day Ticket (Friday OR Saturday)
- Community Catch-Up Ticket (Friday Evening)
Using Your NDIS Funding at CRU
For self-managing and plan-managed NDIS participants, see the Learning Objectives below. You can decide if this is a reasonable and necessary support to help you (or your family member) achieve their goals. Each workshop topic will also have specific learning objectives, please see workshop topics for further details. Click the below link for more information.