Curriculum Inclusion for ALL:
Real-life stories of inclusion of Queensland students with disability
The Importance of Curriculum Inclusion
There are three main elements to an inclusive school day for a student with disability. These three elements are - physical inclusion, social inclusion, and curriculum inclusion.
Curriculum inclusion is the focus of this resource. The benefits of curriculum inclusion for students with disability, their peer and teachers are many.
Decades of research highlight that academic outcomes are far greater when students with disability learn the same core content alongside their non-disabled peers.
When students learn together and talk with each other about ‘what we learned in class today’ at lunch breaks and beyond the school gate, curriculum inclusion helps to build social inclusion.
Curriculum Inclusion for ALL: Real life stories of inclusion of Queensland Students with disability
For many parents it is hard to imagine how their child with disability can be fully included in regular classroom learning, they have probably not seen inclusion in action.
This resource is a collection of real-life curriculum inclusion stories shared with CRU by students, families, and educators in regular school settings across Queensland.
This resource is not a technical guide to curriculum inclusion. The aim of this resource is to spark interest, curiosity, a desire to learn more and to raise expectations of what is possible when a focus is placed on genuinely including a child with disability alongside classmates in their year level.